PWD Register

What to wear -- The average daily temperature in Beijing is around 25 degrees Celsius during August and September. Daytime is hot and relatively humid; mornings and evenings are cooler. It is recommended that Olympic guests wear layers when attending events in case the temperature changes throughout the day. Protection against the sun is critical; guests should wear sunglasses and a hat or visor and use sunscreen.

Power system -- Beijing uses a 220v system to supply power. Commonly used power sockets are two-phase circular holes, two-phase flat holes, and three-phase flat holes. It is recommended that guests bring adaptors and converters that fit their specific needs.

TV system -- Beijing uses the PAL TV system. If your camcorder uses the NTSC or SECAM systems, you may be unable to clearly view your footage through TVs and VCRs in China. Your videos should work properly when you view them at home.

Hotel service -- Hotels in Beijing usually provide slippers, towels, and disposable toiletries. All bathing, health, and cosmetic items are widely available at grocery stores and supermarkets throughout Beijing.

Internet -- Internet cafes are available throughout Beijing; the fee is usually three yuan per hour. You may need an ID card or passport to use these facilities. Laptop users can access wireless networks at many coffee shops and some restaurants throughout the city. Internet access is also available in most hotels ranked three-stars or above. Please talk to hotel personnel about fees and guidelines when you check-in.
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