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China's Higher Education

The institutions that implement higher education programs include universities, colleges, and professional schools of higher education. Schools of higher learning undertake teaching, scientific research, and social services.

Chinese universities are divided into several categories: some directly under the Ministry of Education, others run by provincial, autonomous regional, and municipal governments, still others re run by local center cities, as well as by communities themselves.

Chinese universities and independent colleges are consider to be on an equal level in regard to institutions of higher learning.

China has established a very strict enrollment examination system to guarantee the quality of enrolled university students. Only those students who have received high school graduation certificates can go to college after passing the national entrance exam.

China's full-time institutions of higher learning have two semesters in a school year (three semesters in some colleges).

The first semester begins in early September, while the second in mid-February.

 One semester usually lasts about 2Oweeks,with students having fives days of study every week. Besides winter and summer vacations, students also have one day off on New Year's Day, and three days off respectively during the Spring Festival, on International Labor Day and National Day.

China's academic degree system

China's academic degrees include Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees. Disciplines include philosophy, economics, law (including politics, sociology, ethnology, etc.), mathematics, pedagogy (including sports science), literature (including linguistics, arts science, library science), history, natural science, engineering science, medicine, management science, and military science.

A Bachelor's degree is conferred to undergraduates of universities and colleges who have finished all requirements in the specific teaching guidelines, achieving sufficient academic grades in curricular subject studies and graduation theses.

A Master's degree is conferred to postgraduates of universities, colleges, and research institutes who have passed all examinations of subject studies.

A Doctorate degree is conferred to Ph-D Students of universities, colleges, and research institutes who have passed all examinations of subject studies along with graduation in oral examinations.

Teaching and scientific re-search in China's universities

Teaching in China's universities is strictly implemented according to teaching plans and teaching programs. Teaching in universities usually includes classroom lecture, classroom discussion, experiment class, exercise classes, and guidance class.

In line with classroom teaching, other teaching forms are also organized, such as on-the-spot teaching, visits, practice teaching, and social investigations, in a bid to reinforce the effect of classroom teaching, and improve students, ability of doing practical work and using the knowledge they have learned.

Libraries and reference rooms are open to students both at the university or departmental level, creating good conditions for students to study and perform research. Universities and colleges are well equipped with modern teaching facilities to make sure all teaching plans aare achieved.

Scientific research in China's universities and colleges is an important driving force to developing science and technology and fostering a strong economy.

By September of 2000, China had 1,041universities and colleges, with totral number of graduate students being 301,200, and undergraduate students totaling 5.5609 million - with the numbers increasing yeaar by year.

 These universities and colleges have established 102 state key laboratories and open research labs, as well as 36 state engineering research centers.

University in  China

In an effort to provide you with all the relevant information required, so so that you can make an informed decision in regard to your particular choice of University to study at Link China
 has provided below the latet Univerity ranking for China.

This year, we bring you the top 30 Chinese university ranking. For the third straight year, Tsinghua University has ranked as the number one university in China, followed by Peking and Fudan Universities.

Nowadays, foreign students are studying in China not only for Chinese language, but also for undergraduate, master and PhD programs.

Learning Chinese language is an inevitable step when you apply to any national universities in China. However, different academic departments have their own Chinese language requirements. Departments, for instance,engineering and computer sciences have a lower Chinese language requirement compare to management and law.

To find the right university in China, you need to consider what your goal of study is.

For Chinese language and culture learning, you should apply to a university with good Chinese language programs with additional cultural courses. For undergraduate and graduate degree program, you have to consider the academic standard and employment opportunities that eventuate from your studies.

When applying to top “Brand name” universities in China, such as Peking, Tsinghua and Fudan University, admission to degree programs is limited and extremely competitive. You must be well-informed, well-prepared, and very determined to work very hard to gain admission.

2007 Ranking
Name of University
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