PWD Register

Managers/leaders at all levels should be aware of the need of their staff to feel involved, informed and be able to participate in the decisions that affect them.

The fact that high wages/salary will always contribute to motivation cannot be denied, but on its own will not necessarily attract the right type of employees that will stay for the long term.

(7 Units):

?               General definition & application to business.

?               Psychological definition & application to business.

?               Individual motives, collective motives & company motives.

?               Effect on personnel, sales & marketing.

?               Inducement & incentive.

?               Ambition & creative imagination.

?               Self-perception, perception of others & by others of you.

?               *Relationship to Emotional Intelligence(EI.) (Optional.)

Content Sample:



- Goals & desires

- Purpose (self ? sharing)

- Rewards (physical ? mental)

- Promotion ? money

- Self ? esteem



- Incentives

- Involvement

- Company policies ? how do they motivate staff, supervisors, departmental, middle & high management

- Performance (productivity) relationship


Various aspects of motivation differ from individual to individual, or in this case, from employee to employee. The bottom line in business is PROFIT which in essence provides motivation. All business organizations supply products and services to satisfy market demand, which requires a great deal of effort, capital investment, overhead expenses and running costs.

Providing the right work environment and conditions, will motivate personnel to minimize running costs, increase sales, produce better quality product and provide better service, leading to increased profits ? the bottom line.
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