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XXXXIV Some Prefixes of Greek Origin


1. a. an (not, lacking, without) anarchy (without law), anesthesia, analogue (watch, computer), atheism (without belief in God), animosity (enmity), anonymous, anorexia, anomaly, annul,

2. amphi (around, both) amphitheater. amphibian (lives on both land and water) amphibole, amphibology, (all scientific terms about biology)

3. ana (each an equal part) anarchy, anagram, anachronism, analysis, analyze, analogy,
anathema, anatomy, anatomical, analgesic, Anabaptist, anagram, analogue,

4. anti (against) (p. 32 prefixes) antibiotic, antibody, anticipate, anticlimax, antidote, antifreeze,
antagonistic, antiseptic, antisocial, antithesis,

5, apo (away, from, off) apathy, apology, apoplectic, apocalypse, apoplexy, apostrophe, apogee,

6. cata, cath (down, away. C has the sound of k) catastrophe, cataclysm, catacombs
(underground burial chambers), catalyst, catalogue, catapult, cataract, catastrophic, catarrh

7. di (number two, used in science) dipole, diode, dioxide

8. dia (among, through, across) dial, dialogue, diaphragm, diary, diatribe, diarrhea, diagnosis,
dialect, diabetic, diabolical, diagonal, diagram, dialect,

9. ex, ec, exto, ecto (out, out of) exact, exacerbate, exasperate, examine, excavate, exceed, except, exclude, exclusive, excise, exclamation, exclaim, excrement, excuse, execute, executive, exempt, exertion, experiment, expensive, explain, explore, exponent, export, expose, exploit, expense, expel, expire, express, extemporize, extend, external, extinction, extort, extract, extreme, extremity, extrovert, extinguish, exterior, exterminate, extol,

10. en, em, el, (in, into, within) enable, endemic, endow, engage, enrage, enrich, enquire, enroll, ensure, entail, entangle, enthuse, entice, envelope, environment

11. enter, inter (between) enterable, enterprise, entertain, intermission, interrupt

12, endo, ento (within) endocrinal, entire, entwine, entice, entourage, entreaty, entrée, entrust,
envelope, environment, envisage, envy, enunciate, enquire, enclose, endorse, endless,
engine, engrave, enhance, enigma, enlarge, enliven, ensue

13. epi (on, over, outside, upon) epidermis, epidemic, episode, epitaph, epoch, epitomize, epic, epicenter, epithet, epileptic, epilogue, epilepsy

14. hemi (half) hemisphere,

15. hyper (over, above) hyperactive, hyperbole, hyper charged, hypercritical, hyperemotional, hypertension, hyperinflation, hypermarket(Brit), hyperacid, hyper-energetic, hyper-aggressive, hyperemotional, hyper-cautious, hyper-vigilant

16. hypo (under, beneath) hypnotic, hypoallergenic, hypotenuse, hypothermia, hypothesis, hypothesize, hypothetical, hypodermic, hypochondriac, hypocrite

17. meta (change, alter) metaphor, metamorphic, metabolism, metaphysics, metaphorical beyond

18. para, par (do, by) parallel, parameter, paragraph, paraphrase, paramedic, paranormal,
paralyze, paramount, paramilitary, parapsychology, paradox, paradise, paragon, parachute,
parade, paranoid, paraphrase, parasite, participate

19. peri (around, about, near) perimeter, periscope, perilous, periodic, peripatetic, peripheral,
periphery, peritonitis,
20. pro (before, for) problem, profuse, prognosis, progeny, progress, program, promenade, prominent, promise, proceed, probation, proactive, probable, probe, probity, process, proclamation, proclivity, procrastination, procure, producer, profess, professional, professor, profane, profit, profound, prohibit, project, prologue, prolong, promote, prone, pronounce

21. semi (half) semester, semi-conductor, semi-circle, Semi-conscious, semi-detached house, semi-educated, semi-final, semi-intelligent, semi-precious, semi-skilled, semi-tone

22. syn, sym, syl, sys (together, with), syndrome, sympathize, symphony, symmetrical, symptom, syndicate, synonym, synopsis, syntax, synthesis, synthesizer, symposium, sync, syncopated, synchronize, synonymous, synthetic, symbolic

23. tele (far) telecommunications, telegraph, telephone, telescope, television,


XXXXIV Some Prefixes of Greek Origin


Arduous - full of difficulties. hard to do.
Callous ? hard and unfeeling. Insensitive. A thickening of the skin on hands or feet from hard contact
Capricious - impulsive in action. Unpredictable (like a goat that runs wild and free)
Famous - full of fame
Frivolous - lack of sincerity or being serious. Frivolity.
Furious - full of fury, anger
Glamorous - full of glamour
Glorious - full of glory. Illustrious, magnificent, delightful and wonderful
Gregarious - full of friendliness, enjoying conviviality, liking to be with others, sociable
Harmonious ? a blending of agreeable sounds in music. Without discord, harmonious
Humorous - full of humor. Funny.
Illustrious - see famous and glorious.
Intravenous ? entering into a vein. Intravenously (adverb) i.e. intravenous injection.
Magnanimous - full of generosity, beyond human weaknesses, great
Marvelous - astonishing, miraculous, superior, miraculous
Miraculous - with something unexpected, unexplainable, a miracle
Ostentatious - full of pomposity
Parsimonious - with miserliness, not wanting to part with money
Poisonous - with poison
Pompous ? full of arrogance, an attitude of excessive self-importance.
Preposterous - contrary to nature, absurd, beyond reason or common sense.
Pugnacious - wanting to fight. belligerent. Pugnacity, pugnaciously
Pusillanimous - full of weakness, insufficient courage
Rancorous - full of rancor, enmity in one’s heart
Ridiculous - absurd, preposterous. Undeserving of credibility.
Rigorous - with great rigor, greatly active
Scandalous ? full of scandal.
Strenuous - calling for a great effort. Also arduous and straining
Superfluous ? (su per ful ous) exceeding that which is necessary. Excessive, not needed.
Treacherous ? full of treachery, showing perfidy, untrustworthy, not to be trusted
Unanimous - uni = one. Being of one mind. All in agreement
Wondrous - extraordinary

XXXXVI Some Examples of Greek Adjective Suffixes ic and ical (to be like)

ic is an adjective. It can be made into a superlative by using more … than or much more … than and the most … (see section on superlatives). Another adjective suffix form is ical or into an adverbial form by the suffix ically. Here are just a few examples of hundreds of these adjectives.

Anemic ? lacking red blood cells.
Archaic - pertaining to the past, to be out of date, old, useless in a modern age.
Astronomic - as high as the stars astronomically adj. to be extremely large.
Bibliographic - like from a bibliography.
Bombastic ? given to bombast. Pretentious, pompous, overblown, exaggerated.
Critic - to judge criticize ? to judge severely critical - to be severe critical critically
Catastrophic ? a dramatic act in a tragic event catastrophically
Caustic ? resembling the eating away or chemical destruction of matter. caustically
Charismatic - having a certain charm that attracts people adv. Charismatically
Demagogic - ability to sway the masses
Democratic - people’s right to choose. Of the people democratically
Demographic - writing about the population adv. demographically n. demography
Didactic - over teaching, intending to teach moral obligation
Diplomatic ? characteristic of a diplomat diplomatically
Dramatic ? characteristic of drama dramatically
Dynamic ? relating to a powerful physical force. Energetic, forceful dynamically
Economic ? based on the distribution, production, demand, or consumption of goods.
Enthusiastic - pertaining to enthuse, create enthusiasm enthusiastically
Epidemic - pertaining to something widespread
Endemic - pertaining to something restricted
Fantastic ? unusually good. fantastically
Gastronomic - eating, pertaining to the stomach adj. gastro
Geographic - observations about the earth adj. geographical adv. geographically
Germanic ? pertaining to things about Germany
Gastronomic ? the art of science of good eating. Culinary customs of style.
Horrific - full of horror. horrifically
Laconic ? using a minimum of words. Concise. laconically
Magnetic - pertaining to the attraction to another n. ? magnetism v. ? magnetize
Masochistic - one who obtains sexual pleasure by receiving pain
Microscopic - something that is so small as be invisible to the naked eyes.
Neolithic - pertaining to the Stone Age or the beginning of man’s advancement
Neurotic - pertaining to neurosis (Freud), a description of irritating behavior
Optimistic - looking at the bright side of things optimistically
Orthodontic - pertaining to the teeth
Periodic ? recurring every so often in a routine time. Periodical periodically
Pessimistic - looking at the dark side of things
Pragmatic ? a practical and realistic view of what can be done.
Realistic ? a view or state of mind that is more in accordance with reality. realistically
Republic ? a state where the head of the government is a president chosen by the people.
Romantic - a mood or expression of harmony, tenderness, and love. Romantically
Rustic ? pertaining to life and conditions in the rural, farming areas
Satanic - relating to or characteristic of Satan.
Sadistic - pertaining to Count Sade, who got sexual gratification by torturing others
Scenic - to describe a region of lovely views.
Scientific - pertaining to science n. science (search for truth) adv. scientifically
Septic ? causing or relating to putrefaction, such as 'septic wound’.
Specific ? pertaining to something specified. Adv. specifically
Sporadic - intermittent, infrequent, not steadily adv. sporadically
Static ? stationary, not moving. Also electrical disturbance in communications.
Stereophonic - same sound coming from different directions
Telepathic - communication from one mind to another. Adv. telepathically
Telephonic - pertaining to the telephone adv. telephonically
Telescopic - to fold like a telescope. To view things closer than they are.
Terrific - very good, exciting, magnificent, fantastic adv. terrifically
Therapeutic ? treatment of disease by medicines or medical methods
Toxic - like poison, toxins ? poisons the kill or debilitate
Tragic - full of tragedy, sadness. Adv. tragically
Uneconomic ? not economical adj. Uneconomical adv. uneconomically
Vitriolic ? caustic quality, often used to describe feelings or a person’s manner of speech.

XXXXVII Examples of Greek Suffix Phile (Love) and Phobe (Fear)

Anglophile - likes all things English Anglophobia - to fear all things English
Bibliophile - likes books Claustrophobia - to fear being shut up
Homophile - likes man Homophobia - to fear man
Pedophile - likes to sexually molest children Acrophobia - fear of heights
Gallophile - likes all things FRA Hydrophobia - fear of water, a sign of rabies
Noun + phile Photophobia - unreasonable fear of light
Philanthropist - love of giving Xenophobia - fear of foreign people

XXXXVIII The Latin/Greek Origin of Some English Words

English Lat/Greek Origin Meaning

1. permeate Latin, to go past to spread, diffuse throughout, to pass through pores

2. reservation Latin, to hold or to hold, keep, set aside, set apart (such as Indian
3. prediction (1561) dict ? say pre- before to forecast or say something will happen

4. hospitality able to host 14th Cent. Hospitable making guests welcome and comfortable

5. professional 1748 pro? for, fess- say. describing standards for technical, business-like action

6. computerized 1957 com ? with pute.- carry on work work using computers

7. executive 1649 exe ? by one who carries out orders cute ? put into form

8. compassion Fr/Lat compassion sympathy, concern for another’s troubles

9.calculation 14th Cent. Perform analyze, through mathematical computations math solutions

10. participate Lat. par (from) capere (take) to partake or share in some activity

11. community Old English people with common interests or shared location

12. attention Latin to wait upon condition of preparedness, calling for prompt observation

13. sporadic 1689 Gk. Sporadicus occurring occasionally, infrequent, scattered here and there

14. stipulated 1624 Latin stipularis terms expressly demanded or requested in contract or offer

15. convenient Latin - conveniens suitable, agreeable, or acceptable to the person being asked. Coming together
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