PWD Register

Our expert team will explain how electronic media news, (radio and television) is gathered, processed, and presented. We will visit your education institution or business and present professional lectures on this interesting topic using power-point display (PPD). Following the lecture there will be a question and answer period. 

 So, what makes news?

Editors usually ask: how many people are affected, and where? Whether the story is happening locally, nationally, or internationally, is also considered.

The practice of gathering news for broadcast on radio and television is similar in theory to that of gathering news for the print media. Print journalists are joined on a news assignment by a news photographer. Interviews are conducted, notes are taken, and stories drafted later in the newsroom of the organization.

The copy is then sub-edited or 'subbed' and then filed and placed in order of importance as the deadline for the printing of the newspaper approaches.

In broadcast journalism, interviews are recorded, and in the case of television, pictures taken. Back at the studio, the journalist then drafts the introduction to the story, edits the pictures or writes a script for a voice-over or pictorial to be presented by the newsreader.
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