


1. A: What University are you attending?
B: I am attending Southwest Petroleum University (SWPU).
2. A: Where is your university located?
  B: Our University is divided between two campuses. The original campus is on the banks of the beautiful Jialing River in the eastern part of Sichuan Province, just north of Nanchong City. The newer campus is located in the Xindu District, just north east of Chengdu City, the capital of Sichuan Province. The two campuses are favorable for study and research.
3. A: When was your university founded?
B: Sure. Southwest Petroleum University (SWPU), founded in 1958, is now one of the major national petroleum universities in China. It is now one of Sichuan Province key universities.
4. A: Is SWPU a diverse university?
B: Yes, it’s a diverse university with fifteen schools and three departments.
5. A: How many students are studying here?
 B:More than 24,000 students are enrolled full-time. The student body of SWPU is composed of more than nineteen thousand undergraduate and thirty hundred graduate students. There are forty-four bachelor programs for undergraduate students, forty-nine master programs and more than ten different doctorate programs. In addition, SWPU operates three post-doctoral research stations.
6. A: Is there any laboratory?
B: Yes. SWPU has one key laboratory at the national level and other 26 key       laboratories at the provincial level.(National Key Laboratory of Oil and
Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation)

7. A: Can you show me around your campus?
B: It’s my pleasure. Our campus is really beautiful with a clear rippling lake (Long-jing Lake 龙井湖,Nanchong Campus)fountain(Nanchong Campus) and riverQin -shui亲水河, Chengdu Campus), surrounded by trees and flowers. Many buildings stand around the lake and, including the teaching building, Laboratory Building, the library and the gym.
8. A: There are some main buildings oncampus. Can you make a brief introduction?
 B: Yes.There are some mainbuildings both on Nanchong Campus and Chengdu Campus. They are two laboratory buildings, four teaching buildings and library on Nanchong Campus, laboratory building, administrative building, two teaching buildings, library and gymnasium on Chengdu Campus. 
  Unit Two      Campus and Campus Life
9. A: Do you live in the dormitory?
B: Yes. I live in Room 1234, Dorm 1. I share a room with some other girls/boys.
10. A: What time is the light out in your dorm?
B: At 11 pm. on weekdays, and 12 pm. on weekends.
11. A: Where do you prefer to have dinner, in the canteen or the       restaurant?
B: We usually dine in the university canteen on weekdays. Sometimes we shall eat our and go Dutch.
12. A: How many canteens there are in your university?
B: There are two canteens on campus.
13. A: Which one do you like most?
B: The 1st canteen is the best one. You will find it near our dorms.
14. A: Do you like the food served in the canteens?
B: It’s delicious / not bad / just so-so / too spicy.
15. A: Is the service good in the canteen?
   B: Generally speaking, it’s not bad. / I should say it is very good. / Frankly speaking, I hate to queue for a long time everyday. You see? Too many people are there. Maybe they should do something for it.
16. A: Are there any sporting facilities?
B: Yes, there is a gymnasium and some large playgrounds in our university. We can play basketball, table tennis and badminton indoors. Besides, the swimming pool is now open for summer.
Unit Three   Courses
17. A: What are you majoring in? /What's your major? / What's your      specialty?
   B: I’m majoring in Petroleum Engineering. / My major is Petroleum Engineering.
       西南石油大学各院系、专业、教学术语中英文对照 (for reference)
石油工程学院          School of Petroleum Engineering
石油工程专业           Petroleum Engineering
油气储运工程专业   Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering
资源与环境学院     School of Resources and Environment Engineering
资源勘查工程专业   Resource Explorative Engineering
勘查技术与工程专业  Explorative Technique & Engineering
资源环境与城乡规划管理专业  Rresource & Environment and Town & Country Planning
地理信息系统专业 Geological Information System
机电工程学院          School of Mechanical Engineering
机械工程及自动化专业    Mechanical Engineering and Automation
过程装备与控制工程专业 Process Equipment and Control Engineering
工业设计专业                  Industrial Design
化学化工学院          School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
化学工程与工艺专业      Chemical Engineering andProcess Technology
应用化学专业           Applied Chemistry
环境工程专业           Environmental Engineering
生物工程专业           Biochemical Engineering
化学专业                   Chemistry
计算机科学学院     School of Computer Science
计算机科学与技术专业 Computer Science and Technology
软件学院                  Software School
软件工程专业           Software Engineering
网络工程专业           Network Engineering
电子信息工程学院  School of Electronics and Information Engineering
测控技术与仪器专业  Measuring & Control technology and Instrumentations
自动化专业        Automation
电子信息工程专业  Electronic and Information Engineering
电气工程及其自动化专业 Electrical Engineering and Automation
通信工程专业    Telecommunications Engineering
建筑工程学院   School of Civil Engineering and Architecture
土木工程专业    Civil Engineering
建筑环境与设备工程专业    Building Environment and Equipment Engineering
测绘工程专业    Survey Engineering
工程管理专业    Project Management
材料科学与工程学院    School of Material Science & Engineering
材料科学与工程专业      Material Science & Engineering
高分子材料与工程专业 Polymer Science & Engineering
理学院        The School of Sciences
信息与计算科学专业      Information and Computational Science
数学与应用数学专业      Applied Mathematics
电子信息科学与技术专业     Electronic Information Science and Technology
应用物理学专业Applied Physics
经济管理学院   School of Economics and Management
工商管理专业    Business Administration
市场营销专业    Marketing
信息管理与信息系统专业 Information Management and Information Systems
经济学专业  Economics
电子商务专业  Electronic business
国际经济与贸易专业 International Economy and Trade
会计学专业        Accounting
人文社会科学学院 School of Humanities and Social Sciences
社会工作专业    Social Work
公共管理专业   Public Management
法学院    Law School
外语系   Department of Foreign Languages
英语专业 English
体育系   Department of Physical Education
体育教育专业    Physical Education
研究生院   Postgraduate School
成人教育学院   School of Continuing Education
基础实验教学部     Department of Basic Experiment Education
(以上 “school”可用 “college”替代)
教学大纲 teaching program; syllabus
教学内容 content of courses
学分制 the credit system
五分制 the 5-grade marking system
百分制 100-mark system
学年academic year
学期term/ semester
学季term, trimester, quarter 
学籍管理administration of students' enrollment status
课间,休息playtime, break
逃学,旷课cut a class, to play truant, to play hooky
缺课miss a class
休学 suspension of schooling
勒令退学 expulsion
开除expel sb. from school
辍学drop out
退学quit school
校纪school discipline
转系 transfer; transfer program
转学 transfer
专业课specialized course
基础课 basic course
必修课compulsory course, required course
选修课optional course
入学考试 entrance examination
考试通知convocation notice
考试团board of examiners
口试,笔试examination oral, written examination
开卷考open-book exam
抽考pop test
学校教学活动learning activities in schools
综合教学 synthetic instruction
社会实践social practice
校外实习 off-campus internship
野外实习 field practice
课堂讨论 class discussion
课外活动extracurricular activities
课外辅导 instruction after class
课外阅读 outside reading
自习individual study
个别指导individual coaching=tutorial
体育活动physical activities
娱乐活动recreational activities
学术活动academic activities
重点学科 key disciplinary areas or priority fields of study
示范试点 demonstration pilot project
毕业实习 graduation field work
毕业设计 graduation ceremony
毕业典礼 graduation ceremony; commencement
毕业证书 diploma; graduation certificate
毕业鉴定 graduation appraisal
毕业应修学分数 credits requirement for graduation
毕业条件 graduation requirement
毕业评估graduation appraisal
研究员research fellow
辅导员 assistant for political and ideological work
实验员laboratory assistant, lab assistant
体育教师games master, gym teacher, gym instructor
专任教师full-time teacher
组织委员commissary in charge of organization
宣传委员commissary in charge of publicity
学习委员commissary in charge of studies
文娱委员commissary in charge of entertainment
体育委员commissary in charge of sports
劳动委员commissary in charge of physical labour
校友(男/女)alumnus / alumna
应届毕业graduate of the current year
18. A: What grade /class are you in?
  B: I am in Grade One / Two.
I am afreshman / sophomore / junior / senior.
19. A: Which college/school are you in?
B: I am a student of School/College of Petroleum Engineering /Department of Foreign Languages
20. A: How many courses are you taking this semester?
  B: I am taking 8 courses this semester.
21. A: How many credit/class hours are you taking every week?
 B: 20 credit/class hours.
22. A: Do you like this course?
      B: I find it rather confusing / difficult to understand / beyond me.
 关键词:英语学习方法 外教招聘网

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